Welcome To MythMu Season 20 Part 1-2


Discord Messages


📊 MythMu Success Rates

Here, you can find detailed information about the success rates for various combinations and enhancements in MuOnline. Use this guide to maximize your success in the game. Let's dive into the details:

🎁 Items

🔹 Normal Combinations

+10: 75%
+11: 75%
+12: 70%
+13: 60%
+14: 55%
+15: 50%
Luck Bonus: +25%

🔸 Enhanced Combinations

+10: 75%
+11: 75%
+12: 70%
+13: 60%
+14: 55%
+15: 50%
Luck Bonus: +25%

Socket Combinations

+10: 75%
+11: 75%
+12: 70%
+13: 60%
+14: 55%
+15: 50%
Luck Bonus: +25%
2024-07-19 14:45:29
Pentagram Combinations


+10: 100%
+11: 100%
+12: 95%
+13: 90%
+14: 85%
+15: 75%
Luck Bonus: +25%

🧿 Errtels Extraction from Pentagrams Including Master

Rank 1 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 2 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 3 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 4 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 5 Level 1-10: 100%

🔧 Errtel Upgrade Including Master

> Normal:

Rank 1 :Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 2 :Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 3: Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 4:
Level 1: 100%
Level 2: 95%
Level 3: 90%
Level 4: 85%
Level 5: 75%
Level 6: 70%
Level 7: 67.5%
Level 8: 65%
Level 9: 60%
Level 10: 52.5%
Rank 5:
Level 1: 95%
Level 2: 90%
Level 3: 85%
Level 4: 80%
Level 5: 70%
Level 6: 65%
Level 7: 62.5%
Level 8: 60%
Level 9: 55%
Level 10: 50%

> Mastery:

Rank 1 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 2 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 3 Level 1-10: 100%
Rank 4:
Level 1: 100%
Level 2: 95%
Level 3: 90%
Level 4: 85%
Level 5: 75%
Level 6: 70%
Level 7: 67.5%
Level 8: 65%
Level 9: 50%
Level 10: 40%
Rank 5:
Level 1: 95%
Level 2: 90%
Level 3: 85%
Level 4: 80%
Level 5: 70%
Level 6: 65%
Level 7: 62.5%
Level 8: 60%
Level 9: 40%
Level 10: 30%


> Rank 5 Mastery Errtel is not supported at the moment.
> To obtain a Rank 4 Mastery Errtel, you can only combine a Normal Errtel Rank 1, 2, 3 - 7-10 and Rank 4 Level 10. This is the only way; the Rank 4 Errtel has to be Level 10 to get Mastery Errtel Rank 4.
2024-07-19 15:05:50
🦋 Wings Combinations

In S19, the traditional feather creation for Wings 3 and 4 is no longer supported. It has been replaced by the Relic. Below you have the success creation rate for the Wings and Relics.

The feathers can still be used for wings creation, but the success rate is likely hardcoded and cannot be changed. PS. Use Talisman of Luck to increase your chances.

2nd Wings:
Max Success Rate: 90%

2.5nd Wings:
Max Success Rate: 85%

3rd Wings:
Wings Mix Max Success Rate: 65%
Relic Max Success Rate: 70%

4th Wings:
Wings Mix Max Success Rate: 50%
Relic Max Success Rate: 65%

5th Wings:
Wings Mix Max Success Rate: TBD
Relic Max Success Rate: 50%
Wing Core Rate: 85%
2024-07-19 15:21:23
Socket Weapon Combinations

Maximum Success Rate: 100%
Sockets Combinations Level 1 - 20: 100%
2024-07-19 16:14:49
🐺 Fenrir Combinations

Fragment of Horn Combination:
Max Success Rate: 95%

Broken Horn Combination:
Max Success Rate: 85%

Horn of Fenrir Combination:
Max Success Rate: 75%
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💎 Jewel Combinations

Jewel of Soul Success Rate:

Without Luck: 50%
With Luck: 75%

Jewel of Life Success Rate:

Without Luck: 50%
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🔮 Dark Jewel Combinations

Jewel of Dark Bless:
Success Rate: 50%
Max Upgrade Level: +5
Upgrades To Level: +6

Jewel of Dark Soul:
Success Rate: 35%
Max Upgrade Level: +8
Upgrades To Level: +9

Jewel of Dark Life:
Success Rate: 30%
Max Upgrade Level: add+16

Jewel of Luck:
Success Rate: 75%
Add Luck in almost all kind of items.

Jewel of Kundun:
Success Rate: 35%
Makes item level +15 instantly

Jewel of Kondar:
Success Rate: 30%
Makes item FO instantly

Jewel of Wisdom (Socket):
Success Rate: 35%
Add an extra soket to the item.

2024-07-19 16:32:12